Lauren wearing glasses and black coveralls standing in front of colorful abstract botanical mural
Artist | Muralist | Designer
You have reached the portfolio website of artist Lauren Lewchuk. Lewchuk lives in Arlington, Texas and operates out of her studio in the esteemed Tin District in Trinity Groves West Dallas Texas.
Here you will find fine art paintings, murals, digital artwork, and more. Paintings are available to collect unless specified otherwise.
I am currently accepting commissions for murals and fine art paintings. I am also open to brand collaborations and licensing of digital artwork and patterns.
For all inquiries, please contact me directly at or use my contact form here.
Thank you!
services I offer include:
interior mural of colorful mexican inspired design inside mexican seafood restaurant
interior mural painting
- restaurants
- yoga studio / gym
- retail store
- apartment complex
- residential
- hotels
- office
- school
- lounge / seating area
me wearing all black standing in front of large detailed abstract botanical tropical mural
exterior mural painting
- restaurants
- yoga studio / gym
- retail store
- apartment complex or home / residential
- poolside 
- hotels
- warehouses / industrial 
- office
- school
- parking lot / garage
stack of colorful abstract and botanical printed quilt fabrics
- patterns
- textile design
- surface design
- book cover / illustration
- brand collaborations

me standing in front of blue wall posing with large coral reef theme artwork on canvas
live painting
- festivals
- markets
- music / concerts
- art fairs
black leather jacket with custom painted colorful abstract botanical design with rainbow border
custom leather painting
- jackets
- purses / bags
- wallets
- accessories
- fashion design

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